Jennifer Davis is available for a variety of engagements to help your leadership and organization apply the principles and practices of Well Made Decisions. Below are some popular alternatives. See Consulting for more information on Jennifer’s approach.
Reach out to Jennifer Davis to explore options by contacting booking@wellmadedecisions.com.
Team Building
Order a copy of Well Made Decisions for everyone on your team. Makes a great holiday gift or can be included in a new-hire onboarding kit. Paperback or hardcover versions are available. Signed or personalized copies can be arranged with adequate lead time. Gift someone the tools they need to make and implement well-made decisions in your business, organization, or club.
Jennifer has a Well Made Decisions presentation available. She is an award-winning and experienced presenter with experience at AWS re:Invent, AWS Transformation Day, the CoSIDA Annual Convention, and InfoComm, not to mention involvement in national speech and debate in high school and college. The presentation can be tailored for the audience. Attendees can receive a hard copy or ebook version of Well Made Decisions. Contact Jennifer for a consultation to design something for your group or event.
Ask Me Anything
Add a virtual one-hour Zoom “Ask Me Anything” session to a bulk book order to reinforce the learning. This is great for book clubs, networking groups, and other environments where the participants want to actively workshop some Well Made Decisions content applications to your business, club, membership organization, or non-profit.
For organizations that want a more hands-on and interactive approach to high-velocity decision making, Jennifer can tailor the content for a workshop training experience. These workshops can include style assessments like Insights Discovery or CliftonStrengths, delivered through certified partners, including pre-work, to personalize the content. The workshop can be a training based on Well Made Decision principles or it can be a facilitated session to engage a group on a particular strategic topic or initiative.
Peer Mentoring
Jennifer can help you set up an internal, short-term peer mentoring program. Using the Wave Mentoring format (1:1 matchups, 3 meetings over 3 months using provided discussion guides, 2 additional introductions) is a great way to reinforce the learning. Can be combined with Ask Me Anything sessions and book orders for an effective professional development series.
Client Solutions
Jennifer can engage with CEOs and leadership teams to solve specific issues related to their growing pains, a strategic refresh, ambitions for mergers and acquisitions and related integration planning, lowering employee turn-over, improving internal and external communications, and related problem sets. These engagements with Jennifer can take several forms, including an ongoing advisory board role, fractional executive engagement, or project work to support the current leadership team. See Consulting for a description of the audiences served and more on Jennifer’s approach.
Reach out to Jennifer Davis to explore options in a free consultation by contacting booking@wellmadedecisions.com.