Tomorrow’s a Big Day

Tomorrow, broad promotion will begin of my new book, Well Made Decisions.  I have put together some offers on Indiegogo that invite sponsors into the journey and include exclusive perks like signed books, opportunities to be a beta reader, to help c…

Tomorrow, broad promotion will begin of my new book, Well Made Decisions. I have put together some offers on Indiegogo that invite sponsors into the journey and include exclusive perks like signed books, opportunities to be a beta reader, to help choose the cover art (this black and white treatment is NOT the final, you will be pleased to know), and more.

There are multiple ways that you can get involved and support my author journey:

Support: You can help me crowdsource fund the publishing process by pre-ordering books and other perks. Get one for yourself, buy for friends, or pick one of the university offers and provide additional funding to the scholarship program.

Share: Most people learn about new books from friends and colleagues, so you sharing the news will help me build a readership base prior to publication, which experienced authors have told me is critical. You can go out to the Indiegogo campaign page and share directly with your social network. Tag Jennifer Davis and New Degree Press in your posts and hashtag them with #wellmade so that we can amplify them. Like, share, comment, and tag others on my posts on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram which will roll out on April 2nd.

Supply: For those of you who lead teams or have access to professional development funds, you can use this opportunity to supply your group, book club, or organization with a professional development perk that includes not only packs of signed books for everyone on your team, but also an exclusive discussion guide, access to a topical webinar, and an optional book talk where I can schedule to speak to your group and answer questions. If your organization could benefit from faster, better decision making and elevated execution, select this option, expense it, and let me help you in your journey, as you are helping me in mind.

Serve: It takes a village to write a book and to market one. If you want to get involved, I could use additional support with video editing, webinar production, graphic design work, and media outreach. I do not have big commercial ambitions for this book, but would like to raise as much as I can for the scholarship fund and get the themes and lessons of the book into as many organizations as possible. If you want to get involved in these alternative ways, contact me with the form below or via messaging on social media. I would be humbled to partner with you in this way.


Why Decisions Aren’t Important (and other provocative realities of business leadership)


Taking My Own Advice