I Hope You Destroy My Book

I’m writing a book about well made companies and the decisions that make them. My journey as a writer begins with my role as a reader.

For years, I have been a business book junkie. I believe learning from others is the closest thing we have to a compression algorithm for experience. In my quest to be a better business person, I wanted to benefit from everyone else’s experience. It is worth is to plow through some mediocre titles along the way to take away insights I can use.

I read around the house and it seems like the books like to gather most of on my bedroom nightstand. My nightstand has all the trapping of a maker’s space. There are randomly uneven stacks all over the surface, piling high until the bottom of the lamp shade forces a new stack. Some of those mounds look dangerously like they might topple over, which makes me thankful I no longer live in earthquake country. And the most interesting I find the books, the more the stacks contort menacingly.

Why? I am a dog-earer.

book edge.jpg

Some readers like to highlight, write in the margin, or take a picture for OCR inclusion in a database, but I am old-school. When something strikes my fancy or when I think is inspiring for a new business, a new initiative, or worth sharing in a future blog post or strategy, I bend the page. My favorite books swell in uneven thickness as corners are doubled over in service. I know this is something that a book lover should never do. It’s like the irony that we sadly see in other facets of life: I hurt the books I love. I justify my abuse because more than the books that contain them, I love ideas. I don’t just want to consume content. I want to take action. I want to create and connect ideas to shape them into something new. So, I am hard on books. Damaging a book to preserve an idea is perfectly acceptable.

It is my wildest hope that those of you who dog-ear will find my book interesting enough to destroy. When you get it in hand in August, I hope you find value enough to mark it up, share it, and make it your own. That is something to aspire to!

To be alerted when the book goes on pre-sale, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube to hear more about the book in progress.


What do I mean by “Well Made Decisions”?


Deciding What Story To Tell